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Idea Saver > Документы проекта

Описание идеи (английская версия)



1.     Meet Joe. He, as all other people, has many different ideas in his mind about on different subjects: how to complete the work, how to have a rest, how to earn etc. But many of them are quickly forgotten, just fly away from memory.


2.     Ideas come and disappear so quickly that we have just few seconds to write them down. And the situation is even more complicated, because they come when you don't wait for them.


3.     When you walk around the city or when already you are going to sleep at home, or you are falling asleep. And at this moment the brilliant idea, required solution of a problem, you have been thinking about thought the whole day, comes to mind.


4.     And it seems to you that in the morning you will write it down, but, alas, in the morning it isn't possible - everything is completely forgotten! One their the most common places, where ideas come to you, is a bathroom.


5.     The most important ideas will come to mind again and again and you won't forget about them. But what to do with other, also important ideas which remain "to soar in air"? As soon as we had an idea – it needs to be saved.


6.     Don't rely on memory, ideas are quickly forgotten. It is important to learn to catch ideas and important thoughts for a tail and not to allow them to disappear.



7.     To keep all Joe's ideas and notes will help the device the simplest interface. It allows to do fast voice notes, a photo and video just in one touch. Thanks to that, all his ideas will be kept and sorted, instead of beeing lost and forgotten.


8.     To voice notes – the text contents is automatically formed, the photo, Geographical coordinates of a place, the time of day, air temperature etc can be attached.


9.     For each idea will be formed something like the mind map –where when and in which conditions the idea was born.

10.               Catch your idea by "tail", and it will bring millions suddenly.








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