Микрометеорологические проекты
2016-07-07 07:43:36
An ad hoc committee will plan and conduct a public workshop that will facilitate a dialog between the research community and the users of urban meteorology information by bringing together selected scientific experts (potentially including experts from other countries that are making strides in this field) with a wide array of representatives from end-user communities. The committee will develop the workshop agenda, select and invite participants who will contribute presentations and take part in plenary and small group discussions, and moderate the discussuons.
Micromet : -
2016-05-15 11:33:31
FluxNet is a global network of micrometeorological tower sites that use eddy covariance methods to measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere. Fluxnet is a global 'network of regional networks' that serves to provide an infrastructure to compile, archive and distribute data for the scientific community. It works to ensure that different flux networks are calibrated to facilitate comparison between sites, and it provides a forum for the distribution of knowledge and data between scientists.
Micromet : -
2016-05-15 11:12:45
FLUXNET, a "network of regional networks," coordinates regional and global analysis of observations from micrometeorological tower sites. The flux tower sites use eddy covariance methods to measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor, and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere.
Micromet : -
2016-05-15 09:47:33
Одна из самых совершенных систем датчиков для микрометеорологических наблюдений в условиях тропического леса была создана в 2009 году специалистами Microsoft Research совместно с университетом Джона Хопкинса, исследовательским фондом Сан-Паулу и Бразильским национальным институтом космических исследований.
Micromet :